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Possession of Marijuana Charges in California

California Health and Safety Code 11357 HS If a friend or loved one has been arrested and charged with possession of marijuana in the State of California, it can be a pretty traumatic experience for everyone involved. Luckily, SCV Bail Bonds has years of experience in dealing with law enforcement and is capable of helping [...]

Drunk in Public Charges in California

California Penal Code PC 647 (f) Drunk in public charges in California are covered under California Penal Code PC 647 (f). It is  described as: "being so intoxicated that you cannot exercise care for your safety or the safety of others, are interfering or obstructing others' use of public walkways and/or streets." However, just being drunk [...]

Crosswalk Safety Enforced in Malibu

At the end of September, LASD deputies performed a crosswalk safety operation on the 22500 block of Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, California. The operation involved Sheriff's deputies watching a clearly marked crosswalk on PCH and issuing citations to motorists who failed to yield to pedestrians in a clearly marked crosswalk. Sgt. Philip Brooks of [...]

By |October 4th, 2013|Community Awareness, Los Angeles News|Comments Off on Crosswalk Safety Enforced in Malibu

Canyon Country Man Arrested on Suspicion of Animal Cruelty

Roberto Celedon, a Canyon Country resident was arrested on Labor Day weekend on suspicion of animal cruelty. Known as the "Backyard Butcher," Celedon was arrested August 30 when Sheriff's deputies were tipped off. This isn't the first time Celedon was arrested for animal cruelty, either. In 2012, he was convicted of felony charges for illegally butchering [...]

By |September 11th, 2013|Santa Clarita News|Comments Off on Canyon Country Man Arrested on Suspicion of Animal Cruelty

Kanye West Investigated After Altercation at LAX

En route to a waiting automobile at LAX, Kanye West allegedly assaulted a paparazzo who angered the rapper by speaking to him. According to LAPD reports, West was exiting the airport on the way to his waiting car when a paparazzo who was snapping pictures of the star also began to ask him questions. The [...]

By |July 29th, 2013|Celebrity News and Arrests|Comments Off on Kanye West Investigated After Altercation at LAX

Battery Charges

Penal Code 240-248 If you require a bail bond for someone arrested on battery charges, we can help you. "Battery" in the California Penal Code is described as, "an unlawful attempt to use force or violence against another that includes physical contact." Injury is not necessary for assault charges to be leveled against a person, [...]

Conspiracy Charge Bail Bonds

Conspiracy Charges fall under: California Penal Code 182 PC When two or more people agree to commit a crime and one of them commits an act in furtherance of that agreement. Basically, this means that if two or more people plan out a crime and at least one of them attempts to commit it, then [...]

Chris Brown “Swatted”

On Monday January 21st, LAPD officers raided the Hollywood home of singer Chris Brown. The LAPD received a report from a 911 call indicating that there was a domestic dispute at the residence involving a gun. The LAPD arrived on the scene and, after raiding the home, discovered that there was no domestic disturbance. It [...]

By |January 31st, 2013|Celebrity News and Arrests, Los Angeles News|Comments Off on Chris Brown “Swatted”

Vandalism Charges in California

California Penal Codes 594 -- 625c Vandalism charges in California can be pretty serious crimes. Defined per California Penal Code 594 as, "every person who willfully commits malicious acts to any real or personal property which is not his or her own." Basically, if you deface or otherwise damage something that doesn't belong to you, you're [...]

By |January 18th, 2013|0 Comments