With such a warm winter behind us, it’s sure to be an even hotter summer this year. The economy is slightly better and it’s my best bet that many families in the Los Angeles County region and surrounding counties will be heading to Six Flags Magic Mountain and Hurricane Harbor for some summer fun.

But it’s not all fun and games when a person is arrested at the park. We’ve helped many people who call us, confused as to why their loved ones have been arrested there — even before entering the gates!

You see, there are security personnel you must pass through when entering the park. They use hand held body scan wands to check for any weapons and search inside all bags and women’s purses for any illegal contraband, etc.

“If someone attempts to bring in drugs or controlled substances of any kind, they will likely be arrested on the spot.”

It’s a different kind of rollercoaster for those who are arrested. They will never end up entering the park, rather, they will be directly transported to the local Santa Clarita Sheriff Station Jail for booking and processing.

For more information about drug arrests and California Health and Safety charges see our informative drug charge bail bond page.

There have been issues at the park in the past, such as gang fights and those who have been drunk in public and disorderly. Unfortunately, in 1998 a youth was arrested for the shooting death of another youth at Magic Mountain.

Those types of things don’t happen often there, as most people just go to have fun and get away from the daily grind.

Preparing For A Day At The Park

Here are a few things to think about when preparing for a day at Six Flags Magic Mountain and Hurricane Harbor. (If you’re a local Santa Clarita Valley resident, you can get discounts at the park by visiting www.25score.com).

It’s best to check with any Park Policies so you are informed of all the details prior to arriving.

  1. Carry small incidentals, bottled water, money, chapstick, etc. in a waist bag or back pack that can be zipped up tightly.
  2. Pack lightly and keep your money, keys and park passes secure and close.
  3. Bring sunscreen, hat and sunglasses
  4. Bring your cell phone fully charged. Include family member and emergency phone numbers.
  5. Tell someone where you are going for the day
  6. Bring watertight zip lock plastic bags, including one for your camera
  7. Tie back long hair. Zip up any loose items
  8. Bring a light-weight jacket that can get wet (in case of inclement weather).
  9. Never bring concealed drugs, or alcohol to a the park. Because it just won’t be a walk in one!

Read more tips for visiting Magic Mountain

If someone you know has been arrested at Six Flags Magic Mountain or Hurricane Harbor, we are available for a no-cost consultation 24 hours a day by calling us locally at (661) 299-2245 or toll-free 877-422-4591.

We’re close to Magic Mountain, The Santa Clarita Sheriff Station and can meet with you personally anytime of the day or night.

Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval is a California Licensed Bail Bondsman and owner of SCV Bail Bonds. Robin writes blogs and articles to help increase community awareness of the bail industry. If you have questions or want to suggest a topic, email robin@scvbailbonds.com, visit www.scvbailbonds.com or call 661-299-2245.
Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval

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