Predictive Policing by LAPDImagine a world in which there are three psychics used by law enforcement to predict murders before they happen.

As a result, authorities are able to reach the would-be criminal before he is able to fulfill his murderous desires and the intended victim is spared.

If that sounds like science fiction, you’re right — it’s part of the plot from the movie, “Minority Report.”

Science fiction though, often has a way of eventually becoming science fact. In this case, the Los Angeles Police Department has begun an experimental law enforcement strategy in an attempt to predict where crimes are most likely to be committed, and will respond by saturating those areas with officers.

The LAPD, unfortunately, isn’t relying on psychics for their predictions. They’re using an advanced computer logarithm that takes into account past crime reports from a given area. They are then able to predict which areas are the most likely to host a criminal act, according to their logarithm, and can preemptively respond by stationing officers at or near these locations. Unlike in the movie “Minority Report,” the goal of this preemptive policing isn’t to catch criminals so much as deter those who might commit a crime with a police presence in the area.

Because the logarithm uses crime reports from the past, each day should provide new areas in which crimes are likely to be committed. The LAPD Pacific Division will be releasing the location of these areas to the public, hoping that increased awareness will assist in keeping crime rates low.

Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval is a California Licensed Bail Bondsman and owner of SCV Bail Bonds. Robin writes blogs and articles to help increase community awareness of the bail industry. If you have questions or want to suggest a topic, email, visit or call 661-299-2245.
Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval

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